How does my return work if I have used a third party payment plan? i.e Afterpay/KlarnaUpdated a year ago
Your return will be processed as per normal and your Afterpay/Klarna instalments will remain the same,
The refunded amount depends on the current status of your Afterpay/Klarna payments.
The total amount of the instalments you have paid will be refunded. Any instalments you have not yet paid will be cancelled. EG.
- If you have paid 1 x instalment of $50, then $50 will be refunded and the remaining 3 X $50 instalments will be cancelled.
- If you have not paid any instalments, then no amount will be refunded and all instalments will be cancelled.
Please note: We can not pause payments. Instalments will need to continue to be paid until your return has arrived back to us and has been processed.
All online orders made with a third party cannot be returned in-store, you must return this back to us by completing a return through our online portal HERE